Czech Winterschool 2024 Lednice
I was honoured to be invited to Czech Winterschool. For many years now the Czech Greenkeeper association ČSG organized education days in Lednice. A beautiful village in Czechoslovakia, with an amazing castle and surrounding gardens.
After a really nice welcome with some local beers and nice diner where I got to meet all the all the people which were already there. Which were the other speakers, the board and the greenkeepers that already had arrived
because of the sometimes long journey they have but gladly make to come the Winterschool.
Day 1.
Next morning bright and early the programme started at 9.00 with Adam Moeller Consultant and researcher from the USA Adam is an expert in agronomy, tree management and golf course
construction. Worked for years as a turf manager and since 2008 as a consultant for more than 350 golf courses and worked with superintendents on preparing for some of the biggest tournaments e.g. U.S opens and Solheim
Cup. His first presentation regarded Putting green performance metrics and organic matter tests tot determine aeration and topdressing programs.
Following this presentation Russell Rilley from Sustane presented. Russel is well-known of course with the Fegga members. Sustane and Russel have been loyal supporters of FEGGA for a lot years now.
Always spreading a message of sustainable greenkeeping. His presentation regarded everything you need to know on the Nitrogen Cycle.
After the break it was my turn. I was asked to give and update on the pesticide regulations in the EU and a Dutch greenkeeper perspective on sustainable greenkeeping without pesticide. I started with the great differences
between all the European countries because of the Pesticide Directive and gave some insight on best practices and new developments greenkeeping.
Adam Moeller ended the day with an interesting presentation on Wetting agent programs for greens, tees and fairways.
A well hosted diner again with some really nice local bears ended the day.
Day 2.
Again a 9.00 o clock sharp starting with Russel Riley on the technical part and importance of soil biology were he also showed a handy tool for testing microbial biomass in the soil, the microBioMeter.
After a short break I was asked to do a presentation on biodiversity and the FEGGA board. In my presentation I tried to show the audience the importance of biodiversity, the decline of it and important role we can take local and internationally. The difference we can make and the opportunities and solutions biodiversity in a whole but also on our golf courses can bring. I also presented what FEGGA is al about and the changes we are making to becoming more and more a federation that supports all our members locally but also within the EU on topics like pesticide use and biodiversity. A federation where a greenkeeper association can go for advice and support, but also a place for education and information.
I suspected it to be a challenge presenting where everything gets translated in a language you can’t understand. But for me it worked really well and enjoyed being at and presenting for the Czech greenkeepers. My complements and thanks to the organisation and the Czech greenkeeper board. Everything was perfectly organized and I know that I can speak for all the guest presenters that we felt really welcome and well taken care of. Also compliments to the Czech greenkeeper audience, great questions and interested engaged listeners.
Koert Donkers
Board member FEGGA