Environmental Sustainability

FEGGA is Dedicated to Communicate and Share Environmentally Sustainable Ideals and Skills for Quality Golf Course Management

Caring for the Environment

The environmental part of FEGGA’s work was a big initiator in forming FEGGA in 1996. At that time there were a lot of decisions being made without greenkeeper input.

I am pleased to say that FEGGA have now become a major leader in representing the needs for all greenkeepers in responsible golf course management.

Golf Environmental Organisation

FEGGA is proud to be a long-term partner of the Golf Environment Organisation As well as administering the GEO Certification programme, golf’s premier environmental recognition, GEO maintains one of the web’s most user-friendly resources for golf and environment issues.

Responsible Golf Course management

Following leadership from The Federation of European Golf Greenkeeper Associations, greenkeepers all over Europe have come together in a pledge for responsible and sustainable golf course management. All of FEGGA‘s 22 European National Greenkeeping Associations have agreed to promote and endorse a clear, detailed and ambitious strategic vision that embraces golf‘s potential to produce multiple benefits for nature and man. Included within this collaboration were representatives of the R&A and the GEO Foundation, and the result is the FEGGA Statement of Responsible Golf Course Management.

The FEGGA board aims is to translate the document into all the member Associations native languages, and with six now already being completed, a real positive start has been made. This will certainly allow the document to reach more people, and for them to see the commitment FEGGA is making once again to Sustainable Golf Course Management.