
Caring for the Environment

The environmental part of FEGGA’s work is growing rapidly and was a big initiator in forming FEGGA in 1996. At that time there were a lot of decisions being made without greenkeeper input.

I am pleased to say that we have now become a major player within the workings of The Committed to Green Foundation, and have been able to place a different emphasis on European Environmental programmes, very much encouraging National Environmental projects. We now know that there is a minimum of 500 golf clubs participating on national projects. That equates to 10% of golf clubs in Europe.

Golf Environmental Organisation

FEGGA is proud to be a long-term partner of the Golf Environment Organisation As well as administering the GEO Certification programme, golf’s premier environmental recognition, GEO maintains one of the web’s most user-friendly resources for golf and environment issues.

In 2000. . .

FEGGA produced its Environmental Policy Document, endorsed by all Member Associations of FEGGA. It is also supported by The Committed to Green Foundation. The FEGGA Policy Document encourages own both the implementation of an Environmental Programme, along with clear guidelines in establishing the programme. FEGGA very much realises the importance of good environmental management within golf, both dealing with the issues and also promoting the positive work done within golf throughout Europe.