
Driving the Green

The modern sustainability movement offers a fantastic opportunity for golf facilities and the game as a whole – opening up new ways to save money, enhance courses, boost profile and gain new forms of business assistance from sponsors and government.

The new wave in social and environmental responsibility is a perfect fit for clubs that provide a place for nature, communities and resource efficiency.

Your association wants to support you in getting the most out of sustainability – providing practical solutions and information that will help you in your day to day activities, and which will also help make sure we all demonstrate golf’s value to communities and the environment – bringing you and the game the recognition it truly deserves.

So get involved and get active – it’s good for your business and important for your industry!

Professional Development

  • Points for CPD
  • Webinars and Workshops
  • Other websites; SGEG, England Golf etc.
  • Technical guidance
  • R&A – Golf Course Management
  • Other Awards