About the R&A

The R&A, based in St Andrews, is the world’s governing body for the sport of golf, outside the USA and Mexico, and is the organiser of The Open.  The success of The Open enables The R&A to support the sport through investment in its governance role and in projects which are intended to develop the sport across the world.

The R&A assumes responsibility for the administration of the Rules of Golf with the consent of 152 organisations from the amateur and professional game, and on behalf of over 30 million golfers in 138 countries throughout Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.  This service to golf is delivered by The R&A at no cost to the sport.

Investment in aspects of the sport of direct relevance to the greenkeeping profession include:

  •  advocacy for the sustainable development and management of golf courses.
  • support for the Golf Environment Organization (GEO) in the development of a modern, relevant and productive set of standards, programmes and certification to help guide, report and drive positive sustainability practices and outcomes across the many diverse types of golf courses and facilities around the world
  • support for education programmes, including those delivered by FEGGA
  • The R&A Greenkeeping Scholarship Programme which provides support to students enrolled in turf management higher education.